DragonScales 6 game: Solution for Level 5-8
Some players of the latest DragonScales game, DragonScales 6: Love and Redemption, have reached out to us asking about a solution for Level 5-8. That level might seem a bit intimidating at first look, but once you figure out the little tricks for several parts of the board you’ll agree it’s kind of easy. Let’s take a look at the initial configuration of the board.

A typical DragonScales board. We have two goals only: capture the red and the green cross-scales. There are some novelties, though, specific to DragonScales 6: keys and doors. Cells with a door icon won’t accept scales on them, so you’ll first have to remove the doors. That means you won’t be able to clear the top-left red cross-scale, or the green cross-scale or activate the arrow until you manage to remove the respective doors. To remove a door just click on it, but you’ll obviously need to capture at least one key beforehand. To capture a key, just form a combination containing the cell with the key.
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