22 Nov

Localization of Nocturnarya is completed

The localization of Nocturnarya took exactly one month. It was a complex project, with numerous dialogue lines and a few challenging sections, as discussed in a previous post. Some terms posed difficulties during translation, such as Blood Cartridge, Fang Sword, Bloody Spirit, Diabolical Nurse, and others. We included the option to switch between vampiress and vampire identities for narrative purposes, without any impact on gameplay (our tests confirmed that there were no bugs resulting from this feature).

Raphaela speaking in French
Raphaela speaking in French

Submissions of the localized versions of Nocturnarya (German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Italian and Portuguese) are already underway, to our regular publishers. These localized versions will be available for Windows only, and there are no plans for a Steam release. All in all, considering both the time spent on localization and the development of the original English game, Nocturnarya stands as our largest project to date. Since Spooky Dwellers 2 was already localized in September, we can now shift our focus towards developing a new game.

Regarding this new project, we’re still discussing a few ideas. One of our goals for 2024 is creating at least one Match 3 game, that’s for sure. However, we’d like to explore other genres, if time and budget permit. We’ll likely write a post when we have clearer ideas about our next title. Stay tuned! 🙂

11 Nov

Nocturnarya: localized versions

Our current project is the localization of Nocturnarya Collector’s Edition. As usual, our target languages are: German, French, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian. It’ll be a Windows-only release. This localization is a daunting task, which comprises a few intricate parts:

  • The Story: Nocturnarya’s story is a bit long, as the game builds a particular vampire lore, with adventure, scheming, military invaders, treasons and loyalty. The game portrays several characters of which the most important is you, the player. At its core, it’s a battle between you and Grysmore, the boss of the human invaders.
  • The vampire and the vampiress: In the original English game, you can choose how you want to be referred to as the story progresses: as a vampire, a vampiress, or a rockstar renegade. Localizing this is tricky, because of articles and genre-specific details in all the target languages. We’ll be removing the rockstar renegade option, and will do our best to keep the vampire and vampiress options. However, if it proves to be too error-prone we’ll just scrap this option altogether.
  • The Village: The game has a section that allows you to build a 3D village for your vampire tribe. However, the help window and the tutorials amount to a lot of text to translate.
  • The Match 3 levels: This includes all the help texts, instructions and user interface of the Match 3 levels.
  • Collector’s Edition goodies: Last but not least, we’ll have to translate the extra stories and minigames offered as Collector’s Edition exclusive bonuses.

If everything goes smoothly, this localization should be completed by the end of this month.

Nocturnarya Sammleredition
Nocturnarya Sammleredition
04 Nov

Spooky Dwellers games on Steam

Finally both Spooky Dwellers games are on Steam! Are you ready to embark on a thrilling and spine-chilling journey? Spooky Dwellers 1 is a Match 3 game that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Dive into a haunted world filled with mysterious dwellers and challenging Match 3 puzzles. With its unique blend of match-making and puzzle-solving, Spooky Dwellers 1 offers an immersive gameplay experience that will leave you craving for more. Unleash your strategic skills as you match tiles to lead the light of sacred talismans to banish the spooky dwellers!

But the excitement doesn’t end there. Brace yourself for even more thrills with Spooky Dwellers 2 (we announced the game release on Steam in this post). Building upon the success of its predecessor, Spooky Dwellers 2 takes the spooky dwellers gameplay to new heights with even trickier challenges and an enhanced 3D playground. Spooky Dwellers 2 will keep you entertained for hours, as you strive to conquer each puzzle within the dark corners of a ghostly house.

So, if you’re ready for an adventure that will test your wits and send shivers down your spine, look no further than Spooky Dwellers 1 and its sequel, Spooky Dwellers 2. Get ready to match, solve, and unravel the mysteries that await in this hauntingly addictive Match 3 game! And get all the Steam achievements in both games to prove your mastery of Spooky Dwellers!