13 Feb

Updating older games

We’ve finished updating several of our older titles, specifically, The Rainbow Machine, DragonScales: Chambers of The Dragon Whisperer and DragonScales 2: Beneath a Bloodstained Moon. These games were originally built with versions of LibGDX <= 1.6, so we took the chance to update them to the latest LibGDX 1.9.9. As expected, updating LibGDX broke a lot of things: several functions had been altered or simply removed, support for LWJGL3 was added, and plenty of other details we had to address. Once we managed to fix all the projects, we were able to create new Windows and Mac versions.
Extra steps were taken on Mac, as we had to produce a bundled Java app, code-sign it and resubmit the games to iTunes and other stores. Little by little, we’ve been getting the games live on iTunes again:

Our next goal is updating DragonScales 3: Eternal Prophecy of Darkness too. But this time we’ll also try to integrate the game with Steamworks 🙂